Trunk or Treat
For several years we have participated in the "Trunk or Treat" event hosted by the Hartland Chamber of Commerce. We pass out candy, talk about our club, and show off our robot. In this way we are visible and active in our local community.

Homecoming Parade
We participate in a local parade for Arrowhead's Homecoming where we pass out candy and showcase our robot. This is great way to be involved in our community.

At Hawkfest, a community event, local grade school students have an opportunity to see our robot and drive our practice chassis. We hope to spark an interest in STEM and inspire younger students to joint the Cyberhawks when they enter high school.

Each year our team makes a presentation to incoming high school students and tries to spark their interest in robotics. We explain how our team functions and promote the benefits of participation. We also have them complete a small engineering challenge for fun.